By On August 6, 2012 ·
1. Zimbabwe is dangerous.
According to multiple people I met who live there and work in the tourism and safari industries, if you want to go to Zimbabwe, the best months for both adventure and wildlife are September, October, and November.
At Matador, we believe most travel advisories and American perceptions of overseas destinations being ‘dangerous’ are way overblown. I enjoy visiting places that some consider dangerous, so I was interested to see how Zimbabwe stacked up to others that struggle with this stigma — Brazil, Colombia, Iran.The big cities are where most violent crime is concentrated. It wasn’t a surprise then that Victoria Falls, as well as the couple national parks we visited, felt just about as safe and friendly as a place can get. In fact, Vic Falls has such a small town feel that other journalists joked it had the vibe of a US National Park in the off-season.
I was relieved to see troops of baboons and packs of warthogs trotting along the road from the airport after we flew in, but nothing could prepare me for getting woken out of a dead sleep at 3am on the first night in Victoria Falls, to the sound of four bull elephants destroying trees outside my hotel room at the A’Zambezi River Lodge. This herd of wild elephants wandered right into the garden of our hotel to gorge on all the tasty things planted there. The hotel manager wasn’t pleased the following day, but I was beyond stoked to spend over an hour that night following them (very cautiously) around the grounds and watching them destroy the hotel’s landscaping.
Keep in mind this encounter wasn’t even inside a nature reserve — once we made our way to protected areas like Hwange National Park, the numbers of elephants we saw increased dramatically, and we also spotted lions, hippo, water buffalo, hyena, kudu, zebra, and water buck. I was thrilled with the amount of wildlife we were able to see in a short period of time, and after speaking with different naturalists we ran into, it seems like the wildlife in most places is on the road to a full recovery.
But the currency of Zimbabwe has become so worthless they’ve retired it completely, and the country now operates on a mix of foreign currencies, including the South African rand, the GBP, the euro, and most commonly the US dollar. It’s difficult to assess how this transition has affected prices for ordinary Zimbabweans, and although some things are more expensive now, it’s nice not having to do insane math to convert currency. There are a couple ATMs in Vic Falls, but I’d recommend bringing a decent amount of US dollars to get you started. The only Zim dollars you’re likely to see are those sold by kids in the street as novelty souvenirs. They got me…I paid $5US for a stack of worthless old Zim notes. I just had to own a real 10 trillion dollar bill.
- Rafting the Zambezi – Both above and below the 350ft-tall, 5,600ft-wide Victoria Falls, the Zambezi River flows through dozens of tight gorges that make for wild rapids. To get the best of the rafting season, make sure you go somewhere between August and December.
- Bungee jumping / Rope swinging / Zip-lining – All three of these activities can be done from the same place — the bridge spanning the gorge right below Vic Falls, which also marks the border with Zambia. My favorite was the rope swing, where you basically step off a 390ft bridge and “free fall” until you’re only about 30ft above the river and do a massive pendulum swing out across the gorge (way scarier than the bungee jump).
- Micro-lite flying over and around Victoria Falls – This can be done from the Zambia side of the gorge and is the best way to see Victoria Falls, even better than a helicopter, not only because it’s cheaper but because you can FEEL the falls in addition to seeing them.
- Fishing – If you’re into sport fishing there are some great day trips you can take up the Zambezi above Victoria Falls, with plenty of river monsters to be pulled out of the murky water up there.
- Swimming in Devil’s Pool – This is the one thing I was really hoping to do, but unfortunately the water was way too high to do it safely during our visit. What is Devil’s Pool? When most of the rainy season’s water has drained out of the jungle and passed over Victoria Falls, the water on the Zambia side of the gorge becomes low enough to hang out in a hot tub-sized swimming hole right on the edge of the plunge. The best time to do this is October to January.
As a tourist, you’ll be far from the crosshairs of Mugabe’s henchmen. But I felt really bad for all the amazingly friendly Zimbabweans I ran into, who were either ignorant of Mugabe’s ways or too scared to talk about it openly. At the end of the day, it’s easy to feel conflicted. Part of me wanted nothing to do with a country run by such a government, and part wanted to enjoy this amazing country and not punish its citizens for the mistakes of its government by avoiding travel there. I’d encourage you to pick the latter and go enjoy Zimbabwe.