
Monday, October 15, 2012

Zimbabwean 'taken to village court for failing to give husband best chicken pieces'

A Zimbabwean man assaulted his wife and dragged her to a village court last week where she was found guilty of disobeying custom by failing to give him the juiciest pieces of chicken.

By Peta Thornycroft in Johannesburg 2:48PM BST 15 Oct 2012

Nomusa Sibanda, 24, gave her husband the gizzard, wings and one drumstick and ate the chicken breast and second drumstick herself, according to local newspaper, The Sunday News.

Jabulani Ncube, 40 was incensed and beat up his wife who fled to her grandmother's house.

The next day, he forced her to attend the village court where he complained to the traditional leaders in the Nkayi Communal Land, 100 miles north east of Zimbabwe's second city Bulawayo, that his wife was "uncultured and disrespectful".

He warned that he would seek a divorce if she again failed to give him the drumsticks and breast which in traditional culture are due to the man of the house.
Mrs Sibanda was unrepentant and told the court: "How long shall I slaughter chickens and not taste the back portion?"

She was found guilty of ignoring custom and fined a chicken, as was her grandmother Gogo MaDawu for failing to teach her granddaughter "how to treat her husband and dish out meals".